Saturday, May 23, 2020

                      JERRY'S EPIPHANY:

Who remembers the love doctor? The proprietor of LOVE CLINIC worldwide, who has restored fractured marriages and provided the platform for the celebration of new ones. There is a good news about Apostle Jerry Iwu. His fine wine has delivered of a bouncing baby boy. The new born who goes by the name NNAMDI REX NNAMDI has just recreated his father's native name for a surname.

Jerry did not hold the news to himself as goodnews leaks from both sides of the mouth. He has officially announced it and has contracted EVENTppm to make it popular. Eventhough celebrities do not censor the rights of their publicity, Jerry wishes it to be spread abroad as a testimony of God's kindness.

The LOVE CLINIC, his brainchild is still rooting for a better time to celebrate the first born. This editorial serves as a heartfelt tribute to the family.


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